Sunday, April 6, 2014

John Hancock's Hand

Here has - perhaps - the most important signature in American history. Will one fell swoop of a pen - and an enormous sense of self - John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence hoping the King of England would firmly recognize his opinion of the monarch's laws and decisions toward America.

It is no mystery that Hancock wanted his signature seen. However, what has come of this famous hand...or at least one of his a mystery.

According to local lore, Hancock's hand is no longer buried with him (in fact, both are claimed to be gone). Now, no one can seem to confirm this rumor, but it has persisted for quite awhile.

Now why would a person want Hancock's hand. Perhaps it is because his hands wrote the most famous signature in America. While few people suggest this as the possibility, perhaps the grave robber was a history buff.

However, a more likely reason is at play. It appears Hancock was buried with multiple rings on his hands. The rings - valuable - were the most likely lure for the grave robbers. Disturbingly, according to lore, when the robbers were not able to easily lift the rings from his hands, they (or he/she if it was somehow a solo act), simply cut the hands off.

Investigating the rumor does prove problematic. Hancock's marker is clear in the Granary Burying Ground is clear. In fact, his original marker was replaced in the 19th century because it, too, was stolen. However, there are two problems with this particularly burying ground. First, multiple bodies were often placed in the same vicinity (or even spot) with each other - a common occurrence for Burying Grounds. Secondly, it appears during some construction of the burying ground, Hancock's remains simply disappeared.

So it appears the Hancock remains a mystery in the afterlife as in his life.

Want to learn more. Check it out:

Freedom Trail Guide

New England Folklore Blog
