Saturday, February 10, 2018

Flying Saucers over Massachusetts

The year may be new with February beginning just a week ago, but reports of UFOs have already been logged in Massachusetts.

So far according to the National UFO reporting center, unusual lights have been seen in the following locations in January:

• Wilmington

• Millis

• Lowell

The Wilmington one might be the most interesting one. According to reports, a circle shaped metallic object was seen for about ten seconds before disappearing. It marks quite a start to the year. It will be interesting to see what happens as the year unfolds.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Three Quirky Massachusetts Facts

Where is in the world is it possible to drive on a bridge as a boat passes under while a train passes over, while a plane flies over - none other than the BU bridge where all four can - and sometimes do - happen.

The Ted Williams Tunnel is actually the deepest tunnel in North America. It goes into the ground to about 90 feet below.

About 15 percent of Bostonians walk to work. That is tops among all of the big cities.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Massachusetts First Bigfoot - Captured

Massachusetts first alleged encounter with Bigfoot happened in July 1765.

In an area of a now more developed part of Great Barrington, MA, some settlers were exploring a swampy region. At the time, the region was known for being a rather dark, dank area. Unusual cloud formations and mists would form, adding an eerie ambiance to the area. In fact, rumors persisted that the region was best to be avoided. 

At the time, the people exploring the region stumbled upon the most curious sight they had ever seen - a large creature, unlike one that had ever known - roaming the woods. The group pursued the creature and tracked it to where it was sleeping. Then, they caught it as it was dozing on the misty ground. 

Yes, that's right. They caught it. But, why have you never heard this story before. It's because the story is lost to history and few accounts of it persist.

But here is what we do know. The creature was described as “ an uncommon animal lately found at Great Barrington. This animal resembles the human species yet is monstrous in its nature and actions.”

The creature was captured and brought to Cambridge, MA to be studied....only to be released somehow and escape into the wild. This fact along brought skepticism from those who did not see it. Yet, for those who were believers, the creature was the first encounter with the Bigfoot of the Berkshires. And it is definitely not the last.

Want to read more. Check these out. Good stories: